![]() 点击此处阅读原文。 保险只会为有远见的人准备!近日又一位名人买保险,他就是名人马云,他选保额高达4000万。马云一席话 一针见血反映了保险的意义,千万不要让自己赚的钱最后全部成了医疗费。 他说:生了病的人想买保险,不是他认可保险了,是花自己的钱心疼了。所以,没有切肤之痛,不知道买保险的好处。总觉得买保险没有用。你没买保险没出事,那是万幸;没买保险出了事,就是悲剧;买了保险没出事,那是幸福;买了保险出了事,就是庆幸。保险能做到:不出事锦上添花,出了事能雪中送炭。 买保险不能改变生活,而是防止生活被改变!辛辛苦苦几十年,一病回到解放前,全家的几年积蓄都给医院攒的!面对灾难,面对逝去的生命,风险再次提醒保险销售人员存在的价值! “很多人一生输就输在对新生事物的看法上: 第一,看不见;第二,看不起;第三,看不懂;第四,来不及”。 马云谈保险 ,真定一针见血! 马云说:保险是后路,在春风得意时布好局,才能四面楚歌时有条路。有钱时,钱不值钱。没钱时,人不值钱。要想让人永远值钱,就必须用您现在有能力的时候,把赚到的钱拿出一部分来规划好不确定的将来。 您放在银行的钱和放在保险公司的钱都是您的钱,不同的是:银行肥在现在,瘦在未来;保险规划將赢在未来!让现在有钱的您,变成未来值钱的您,保险恰能做到这一点。提早规划,提早安心。做一个没有后顾之忧的人,才能在事业上真正做到大展拳脚。 (感言) 有时候真的想说:你的全民医保,难道比央视第一主播罗京的保障还高?罗京因为高额的医疗费,放弃了让儿子美国留学的打算; 有时候也想说: 你经济条件是好,但你比影星付彪更有钱?付彪走的时候,却给老婆孩子留下的巨额的债务; 亏得一些生前好友帮助才度过难关,试问谁想家人孩子成为别人的负担! 有时候还想说: 你们家豪车,豪宅都是按揭买的,欠下银行几十万甚至上百万,你真的没有压力吗?洛桑的父母,为什么从北京豪华的别墅搬回了农村老家?是因为他们失去了会挣钱的儿子。 你的企业搞这么大,经营的这么好,这都是您的能力和价值的体显,如果您要出现任何风险了,想过企业怎么办?还会经营的这么好吗?您的家人能经营的像你这样赚钱吗?所以钱是您赚的,再没赚到钱之前先得把您自己的生命价值上个保险,这样有没有风险您的人生都不会输在意外、等任何风险上; 朋友们,我知道你们都把未来憧憬的很好,但人生有两件事情不能预测的,一个是意外的突然到来,一个是大病的不幸发生。另外,人从生下来那一刻,就在一步步走向死亡,不外呼就是两个偶然和一个必然,偶然就是意外和疾病,必然就是会老去,你赞同吗? 还有,很多人买保险就问,现在交多少钱,到老领多少钱,试问一下,60岁以前的事情你都没有准备好,医疗你都没有准备好,还谈什么养老?难道你真的认为,温饱比高额的医疗费还难解决吗?唉! 有时候真的想说: 朋友们!你,有点儿家庭责任感可以吗?没有人因为买保险而倾家荡产,但有没买保险因为高额医疗费倾家荡产的人,的确有很多。保险你可以不买,但你一定不要拒绝了解保险,朋友,你真的了解保险在人的一生起到一个什么作用吗? Why It Is Time To Retire 401(K)? |

Brigette Hunter was just 27, and a new mother, when she was widowed. Her husband, Matt, was killed in a car accident. To compound her pain, she had to borrow money from her parents to pay for Matt’s funeral, as he had no life insurance.
Just six months later, friends introduced Brigette to Anthony. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, but Anthony was persistent. “He could sell snow to an Eskimo,” Brigette says. They married and soon opened their own electrical business. With the business and three children to support, the couple bought small life insurance policies. Lisa Rinehart, a financial professional, met them several years later, determined that they needed considerably more life insurance, and helped them through the buying process.
A year later, Anthony found a bump on his chin. He had recently walked through a spider web at a job site and assumed it was a bite. But it didn’t go away, and Anthony learned it was melanoma, a cancer he had battled as a teenager. It soon spread to his lungs, brain and bones.
Still wanting to provide for his family, Anthony invoked a provision in one of his life insurance policies that allowed for an early payout to a terminally ill policyholder, and used part of his death benefit to buy a nicer home for his family. He oversaw renovations and was able to spend a month in the house before he died at 34.
The remaining money from Anthony’s policies helped Brigette pay off medical bills and meet her household expenses. It also kept the business afloat. She could make payroll and pay vendors while she and her foreman reassured clients that the business would continue. “Without the money I would have had to close,” she says.
More real life stories: http://www.lifehappens.org
Just six months later, friends introduced Brigette to Anthony. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, but Anthony was persistent. “He could sell snow to an Eskimo,” Brigette says. They married and soon opened their own electrical business. With the business and three children to support, the couple bought small life insurance policies. Lisa Rinehart, a financial professional, met them several years later, determined that they needed considerably more life insurance, and helped them through the buying process.
A year later, Anthony found a bump on his chin. He had recently walked through a spider web at a job site and assumed it was a bite. But it didn’t go away, and Anthony learned it was melanoma, a cancer he had battled as a teenager. It soon spread to his lungs, brain and bones.
Still wanting to provide for his family, Anthony invoked a provision in one of his life insurance policies that allowed for an early payout to a terminally ill policyholder, and used part of his death benefit to buy a nicer home for his family. He oversaw renovations and was able to spend a month in the house before he died at 34.
The remaining money from Anthony’s policies helped Brigette pay off medical bills and meet her household expenses. It also kept the business afloat. She could make payroll and pay vendors while she and her foreman reassured clients that the business would continue. “Without the money I would have had to close,” she says.
More real life stories: http://www.lifehappens.org
Melinda Canter: Life Changes⎯OvernightSteven and Melinda Canter had created a good life for themselves in Michigan. Steven had a successful construction company that he built from scratch. They filled their home with the love and laughter of children: first came Brijna, followed by three boys.
Then, about 10 years into building his business, Steven got injured on the job; his lungs got contaminated by toxic paint. As a result, he was in and out of the hospital, and suffered from depression because of the toll the injury was taking on his body, his business and his family. Melinda did her best to keep the family afloat financially. It was during this time that she let their life insurance policies lapse, thinking they could save money for awhile and re-apply later. That would turn out to be a decision she’d regret.
After Steven’s company went bankrupt, the Canters sold their house and moved to Florida where Steven could better recuperate and the family could have a fresh start. Before they even got settled, however, tragedy struck. Brijna’s 10-year-old brother, Brandon, went to wake his father one morning only to find that he had died during the night. He was only 44 years old.
Melinda struggled to keep the family on track after Steven’s death, working 80 hours a week—often into the wee hours of the morning. But it was not enough. The family was evicted three times and eventually had to split up and live with various family friends. “It was a blessing to have people help us the way they did, but it would have been a bigger blessing to have life insurance,” says Brijna.
After high school, Brijna felt she needed to stay home to help care for her three young brothers, as her mother was working full time. She became a second mom to them.
Now that the boys are older, Brijna, with the help of scholarships, is able to attend Seminole Community College and is working toward her degree. But the trauma of her father’s death and the impact it had on her family lingers. “I can only imagine how different life would be if my parents hadn’t cancelled the life insurance policy—not only emotionally, but physically and financially as well,” she says.
More real life stories: http://www.lifehappens.org
Then, about 10 years into building his business, Steven got injured on the job; his lungs got contaminated by toxic paint. As a result, he was in and out of the hospital, and suffered from depression because of the toll the injury was taking on his body, his business and his family. Melinda did her best to keep the family afloat financially. It was during this time that she let their life insurance policies lapse, thinking they could save money for awhile and re-apply later. That would turn out to be a decision she’d regret.
After Steven’s company went bankrupt, the Canters sold their house and moved to Florida where Steven could better recuperate and the family could have a fresh start. Before they even got settled, however, tragedy struck. Brijna’s 10-year-old brother, Brandon, went to wake his father one morning only to find that he had died during the night. He was only 44 years old.
Melinda struggled to keep the family on track after Steven’s death, working 80 hours a week—often into the wee hours of the morning. But it was not enough. The family was evicted three times and eventually had to split up and live with various family friends. “It was a blessing to have people help us the way they did, but it would have been a bigger blessing to have life insurance,” says Brijna.
After high school, Brijna felt she needed to stay home to help care for her three young brothers, as her mother was working full time. She became a second mom to them.
Now that the boys are older, Brijna, with the help of scholarships, is able to attend Seminole Community College and is working toward her degree. But the trauma of her father’s death and the impact it had on her family lingers. “I can only imagine how different life would be if my parents hadn’t cancelled the life insurance policy—not only emotionally, but physically and financially as well,” she says.
More real life stories: http://www.lifehappens.org
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